10 Keys to personal Power
Clarity: "Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
What this quote means is that
Competence: "If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
Concentration: "Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."
what this quote means is that if you try your hardest to get something then, your hard work will pay off. For example, if you are always getting A's on your test, you will get good grades and those will be used your you college resume.Because of this you will be accepted to the school of your choose.
One important way to make sure that you can be the best you and a way to personal power. you should always stay focus and stay on track. When you are taking a test you don't pass by getting off track, you have to stay focus and finish your current goal to complete you future goals/ your main goals in life. A real situation you might find yourself one day can be when you are being interviewed for a job. You can't get distracted because you will ruin the chances of you getting that position. Concentration also plays a key role when you are playing a skilled game such as chest or checkers. You have to keep track and stay concentrated to prevent the opponent from beating you due to you not paying attention to a move that was played. Concentration is one of the most important rules to be successful.
Comment Sense:
To be a successful person and how to be the best you, you have to have common sense. Common sense is something we all have but some of us don't use it. Having common sense means just knowing the simple things in life. One example of this is knowing what to expect your grade to look like when you don't do your homework. Without common sense no one would be successful in life. You should also think things threw before you try them. As well as to learn from your mistakes and set backs. You should also be training your mind on a daily basis to improve your knowledge and critical thinking skills. Common sense is one of the only things that you are born with that can get you far in life if you know how to use it.
When you are a creative person you get more ideas then others and that is a good thing because inventions are just ideas thought up by creative people before they are invented. One example in which creativity is needed is in certain games and as well in school. I remember that in certain assignments you get points for creativity and if there's no creativity then you will lose points. Creativity will help you reach your best personal power because creativity is a great way to get problems solved because you can think outside the box and you don't limit yourself.
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
Confidence: "You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
Being consistent means to always bring your A game and keep on giving effort in a steady way which is not decreasing or slowing down. When you are consistent you are never dropping, you aren't going down. Being consistent means to not increase nor decrease, it means to be effective over time. Being consistent at work is a great way to keep your job because when you are consistent at work, you are still putting in as much work as when you started to the job with the best amount of effort. Consistency is also something very important to athletes of all castigators. This is because if an athlete starts to show signs that they are slowing down, then it might be a early sign of losing.
Competence: "If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
Concentration: "Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."
- Train Your Mind
- Think Things Through
- Listen to Your Intuition
- Learn From Set Backs
what this quote means is that if you try your hardest to get something then, your hard work will pay off. For example, if you are always getting A's on your test, you will get good grades and those will be used your you college resume.Because of this you will be accepted to the school of your choose.
One important way to make sure that you can be the best you and a way to personal power. you should always stay focus and stay on track. When you are taking a test you don't pass by getting off track, you have to stay focus and finish your current goal to complete you future goals/ your main goals in life. A real situation you might find yourself one day can be when you are being interviewed for a job. You can't get distracted because you will ruin the chances of you getting that position. Concentration also plays a key role when you are playing a skilled game such as chest or checkers. You have to keep track and stay concentrated to prevent the opponent from beating you due to you not paying attention to a move that was played. Concentration is one of the most important rules to be successful.
Comment Sense:
To be a successful person and how to be the best you, you have to have common sense. Common sense is something we all have but some of us don't use it. Having common sense means just knowing the simple things in life. One example of this is knowing what to expect your grade to look like when you don't do your homework. Without common sense no one would be successful in life. You should also think things threw before you try them. As well as to learn from your mistakes and set backs. You should also be training your mind on a daily basis to improve your knowledge and critical thinking skills. Common sense is one of the only things that you are born with that can get you far in life if you know how to use it.
When you are a creative person you get more ideas then others and that is a good thing because inventions are just ideas thought up by creative people before they are invented. One example in which creativity is needed is in certain games and as well in school. I remember that in certain assignments you get points for creativity and if there's no creativity then you will lose points. Creativity will help you reach your best personal power because creativity is a great way to get problems solved because you can think outside the box and you don't limit yourself.
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
When I say consideration I mean that you have to consider everything that could happen due to a choice you make. Also, this key which is consideration can be used when you have to think about others before you choose to make an action. By think about others, I mean that you have to think abut how they would feel or think when something is said or done. It is great to be considerate because you should want everyone to like you because when people like you, they can put in a work for you. When I say, put in a word for you, I mean that they can back you up when you are in a bad position. An example of this can be when you are blamed or falsely accused of a crime you didn't commit. If a person such as a principle or teacher like you, they could help you and back you up because they know that you are a great person. Being considerate will get you for in life and help you be more well liked by others.
Being consistent can make others rely on you and make your personal power increase. When you are consistent it shows that you know what you are doing and know how to maintain your path. It also can show others that you are someone that is reliable and also responsible. An example can be like a steady good-quality company vs a quick-production company. The quick-production company might be making a lot of products but can be not so good products. This shows that it has a bad consistency of producing bad or noneffective products.
Courage: "The Fear of failure is the single greatness reason for failure in life."
To have courage you must not let the fear take you over. You have to conquer your fears in order to be able to do what scares you the most. To have courage it means you aren't afraid of standing up for what you believe in. If you see someone bothering another person, you will go up and tell them to leave them alone. You will be able to stand in front of an audience and give your explanation on what you believe is right. If you let your fears take over you, then you won't get anything done in life. There's this quote is the movie Cinderella Story and it states "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." It refers to baseball or softball and its for the players to remember if you keep the thought of striking out in your mind, then it will keep you from playing the game. You will be too focused on striking out rather than actually having fun and enjoying the game. It's good to have courage because then you will feel you can accomplish anything in the world. Tell yourself you can do it and at the end of the day, you will accomplish anything. Do what scares you the most because after you will feel good about yourself. You won't be afraid of accomplishing anything else.
Confidence: "You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
Being consistent means to always bring your A game and keep on giving effort in a steady way which is not decreasing or slowing down. When you are consistent you are never dropping, you aren't going down. Being consistent means to not increase nor decrease, it means to be effective over time. Being consistent at work is a great way to keep your job because when you are consistent at work, you are still putting in as much work as when you started to the job with the best amount of effort. Consistency is also something very important to athletes of all castigators. This is because if an athlete starts to show signs that they are slowing down, then it might be a early sign of losing.